awakening development training services

An awakening development training services for training psychic abilities with Joe Gacoscos.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Shielding Your Energy

It is important to be aware of the invisible metaphysical forces that surround us, for not all of them are for our highest good. The energy deficiencies and dysfunctions of others, while often subtle

What Type of Meditation Is Best for You?

One of the most in-depth meditation studies to date shows that different practices have different benefits.

How to Work Magic with the Full Moon

Spells, Rituals, and Magical Ideas for the Full Moon When the moon is full, magical energies are at a peak. That’s why so many spells and rituals include “When the moon is full…” or “Under a

Tarot Forecast September 2024: Two Of Cups

The card that came up for this month is the Two of Cups, which carries the symbolism of connection, balance, harmony, mutual affection, and partnership. In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, this card depic

The Karmic Lessons Of Our Past Lives

Each lifetime offers us karmic lessons inherited from our past lives, often presenting what we perceive as hardship or misfortune, but are actually opportunities for soul growth. These soul lessons a

A Quick Guide To Safer Online Dating

Despite widespread skepticism, I still believe that online dating is one of the best ways to meet someone special, especially for those whose lifestyle limits their ability to meet other singles in t

The Mystical Art Of Pendulum Divination

Divination, the ancient spiritual practice of seeking knowledge of the future and the unknown through supernatural means, has been an integral part of human history for millennia. From the casting of

How To Deal With Spirit Presence In Your Home

Spirit energies are around us all the time in all shapes and forms. Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has, a spirit presence or paranormal activity in their home. These encou

Astrology Forecast September 2 – 8, 2024

Today’s Virgo New Moon brings a powerful blend of new beginnings and practical energy. Virgo, an earth sign, is known for its attention to detail, organization, and focus on health and routine. Whe


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21 Magical Ways To Switch Up Your Vibe This Fall

Shift Your Energy, Improve Your Outlook, and Lighten Your Mood. The data is clear: fall is the best season. The golden light. The colored leaves. The cool breeze. But how about the flavor of magic we

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Letting Go Of Guilt

We all like to be seen as good people, and it can be deeply unsettling when others perceive us otherwise. When we find ourselves in a disagreement with a dear friend or colleague and take the blame f

The Role Of Angels And Guides In Your Life

The various roles of angels and spirit guides in our life journey is a subject that is not discussed as often as it deserves to be. While many people are familiar with the idea of spirit guides, the

How to Flip the Script: 8 Life-Changing Inner Shifts

These small-but-mighty mindset tweaks will unlock a more magical life. As I write this, Mercury is retrograde, which is a time of revising and revisiting. But it’s never a bad time to rewrite your i

Are empathic abilities learnable? Implications for social neuroscientific research from psychometric assessments - PubMed

Empathy is defined as an individually varying but stable personality trait. To our knowledge this notion seems questionable considering recent studies proving neuronal plasticity not only in childhood

The Unresolved Karmic Bonds Between Souls

Have you ever found yourself thinking about an old friend or flame that you haven’t spoken to in years, and they suddenly show up in your life in the most unexpected place? This often happens when

Spiritual Author Academy

  October 16-20, 2024 ✨BUY TICKETS TO THIS ONLINE EVENT!✨ (Join live or access recordings and chat at any time.) WELCOME TO THE SPIRITUAL AUTHOR ACADEMY! Learn From Industry Experts: TESS WHITEHU

A message from John.

I am replying here to an email (below) that I recently received from one of the many who listen to or read the messages that I post from Jesus and Saul, in order to offer a partial explanation of what

Lughnasadh Tarot Spread

Here’s a tarot spread to help you attune to the magical energies of Lammas. In the Wheel of the Year, Lughnasadh (August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere, February 1st in the Southern) is the first of

How to Cast a Magical Circle in 6 Simple Steps

The what, why, and how of casting an energetic circle before your ritual or spell. So many spells and rituals start with the instruction: “First, cast a circle.” A magical circle is a sphere of pr

10 Simple Ways to Cleanse Your Aura

Quick and easy strategies to purify, refresh, and reboot. Your aura is your personal energy field. When it’s clear, you feel safe, energized, and spiritually protected. Your emotions feel balanced.

5 Magical Ways to Get Out of a Rut

Reboot your enthusiasm and refresh your joy. Life is magical. The world around us is astounding. And every moment is precious. But we forget that sometimes. Or even though we know it’s true, it feel

Pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities.

The divine energy – LOVE, All that exists – is extremely powerful and heartfelt, and many who have not felt it before are beginning to do so now as it intensifies during the present Easter and Pen

You Are Eternally Loved.

As worldwide the chaos and conflicts appear to be increasing and intensifying, make sure to allow yourselves more time each day for quiet moments in the Presence of God.  You are always there, in His

Invite Love, God, to fill your hearts.

Signs of your collective awakening are arising all across the world as the old systems of authoritarian organization and control, to which you have been subject for millennia, continue to fall apart.

Only God knows you and understands you well enough to judge you.

As humanity’s collective awakening draws ever closer – and I know you have all heard this before, so bear with me a moment as we get started – prepare yourselves for a most magnificent change in

When you express only Love you are unified with Mother/Father/God.

What you see in the world around you right now are major indications of your collective awakening. The disclosure of massive deceit, conflict, and corruption on a global scale is making it impossible

Love is Gentle! It does not scream or shout.

Humanity’s journey towards awakening continues to make exceptional progress, as it continues to align with and follow the plan that Mother/Father/God set in motion to help you all to to awaken fully

Enormous prospects and opportunities for joy will open up before you.

As the new year of 2024 starts to unfold, many of you are expecting and hoping for some wonderful changes to arise in the way that humans interact with one another as individuals, as families, in soci

All is well, because All is God, is Love, and is eternally well.

As war and conflict appears to be escalating worldwide, be aware that what is occurring is the endgame of the illusory reality in which you appear to be having an extremely real life that will termina

The Love tide is coming in.

Despite the unsettling and worrisome news the MSM has to offer you, all truly is well!  Yes, this is hard for many of you to believe, but only Love is Real, and It is inundating Planet Earth.  You c

3 Keys Activating Your Psychic Third Eye

Where are you right now at the spectrum of Activating Your Psychic Third Eye? Many of you have seen auras, spirit guides, and hints and wondering where do these energies are coming from. Some of you

Communicating with Beings: Clairvoyance vs Mediumship – What’s the Difference?

What's the difference between clairvoyance and mediumship when it comes to communicating with beings, entities and spirit guides? When it comes to dealing with beings, I get asked this question a lot

Stop Overthinking Your Psychic Gifts! Hi Joe Gacoscos here, author of Journey of the Awakened Psychic. and I help people unlock their psychic potential. Now... There's this common belief that in order to acce

Trusting your psychic intuition.

For psychic learners a lot of us have in common. We are trying to open up into something that we have experience for the first time. Trusting your psychic intuition is part of a journey of awakening,

How To Read Health

How To Read Health Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 7 Days Challenge here: https://get.

How to Read Relationship

How To Read Relationship Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 5 Days Challenge here: https:

Empath and Clairsentience when feeling other people’s emotions.

Discover the real reason why of feeling other people's emotion. Empath and Clairsentience when feeling other people's emotions. Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. "I

What do the numbers mean??? (333, 11:11, 777)

What do the numbers mean? (333, 11:11 , 777) What do the numbers mean??? (333, 11:11, 777) Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in learning more? Join the f

Constant Ringing in the Ears Meaning

How to explain the constant rigning in your ears when doing psychic energy. Constant Ringing in the Ears Meaning Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in lea

How to Distinguish Energy if You’re an Overwhelmed Empath

How to Distinguish Energy if You're an Overwhelmed Empath Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in


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