eye chakra opening abilities training

An eye chakra opening abilities training on how to open the third eye with Joe Gacoscos.

Intuition is a super power

When people hear about it, they sense it's something mystical. It's like knowing everything without needing to think. It's a phenomenon beyond the mind, which is why those who haven't experienced it

Embracing the Seasons of Our Lives

In San Diego this year, summer seemed to linger through most of October. Finally, a week or so ago, I awoke to a cool breeze and a chill in the air. As I burrowed under the welcome warmth of my blanke

Is it possible to relive how we died in our past life? I keep having moments where I know I’m dying; I know that my soul was leaving my body and it’s the weirdest feeling and I tell them no, not now… and I hear a response….

They want me to cross but is it from a past life moment? It’s an experience that I keep experiencing. Am I living through it? I don’t know if I can make it out again. Please please help and exp


Everyone carries the gift of intuition within—unlock your psychic potential and connect with the deeper realms of consciousness. 🌟🔮

Why INFPs Are the Most Misunderstood Personality Type

Have you ever met someone who seems to be living in a world entirely of their own, where everything has a deeper meaning, and even a cup of coffee can … The post Why INFPs Are the Most Misunderstoo

Predictions that seem unimportant

I’ve always had premonitions of things that were life or death, but after some really intense life changes over the past few years (including the death of a partner), I recently have been predicti

How To Read Health

How To Read Health Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 7 Days Challenge here: https://get.

3 Keys Activating Your Psychic Third Eye

Where are you right now at the spectrum of Activating Your Psychic Third Eye? Many of you have seen auras, spirit guides, and hints and wondering where do these energies are coming from. Some of you

A Search for Positivity

We talk a lot about the law of attraction. People who subscribe to this theory believe the energy of your thoughts create your experiences; in other words, positive thoughts attract positive experienc

Terrible with Zener cards - but pretty accurate with Tarot?

Silly, ignorant question, but since I've been trying to practice more, I've noticed my Zener success remains TERRIBLE, while my tarot readings are almost always pretty darn accurate. I understand T

My dad commited suicide

I have a question, if human committed suicide what happens to it's spirit? Does it become a spirit bound in earth where he committed the suicide? Can he go to heaven/ light. I failed to show my love

From Circles to Spirals: The Hidden Meanings Behind Sacred Geometry in Spirituality

Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by the simple elegance of a circle or the intricate beauty of a spiral? Sacred geometry has captivated human minds for millennia, weaving its … The post From

Manifesting Meditation

5 Steps to Create the Life of your Dreams 🧘‍♀️

Empath and Clairsentience when feeling other people’s emotions.

Discover the real reason why of feeling other people's emotion. Empath and Clairsentience when feeling other people's emotions. Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. "I

What Do Mediums Do for Halloween?

People often assume that Halloween would be a big holiday for mediums, but it’s not really like that. Halloween is fun, scary, and a great excuse to have a party, but there’s a reason you don’t

Deck Biz - International & Regional Business News Updates

Our financial experts provide insights on the market about investment, trading stocks, currencies, as well as how to manage your personal finances.

New Year, New Perspective

Did your new year start with a whimper instead of a bang? Maybe you found yourself longing for one more week of downtime before tackling the new year… I can relate! My holidays were low-key, as they

Spiritual Awakening

Feeling a shift in your energy? Searching for deeper meaning and sensing a higher purpose? Embrace the solitude, see beyond everyday illusions, and experience the magic of synchronicities. Trust your

Helping Your Sensitive Child Thrive

How old were you when you first became aware of your psychic or mediumistic abilities? You might have heard voices, had an imaginary friend only you could see, or sensed the presence of relatives who

Open your ears and be receptive to it’s vibrational force

The universe is constantly whispering its wisdom and guidance. Tune in to its vibrations, and let your spirit resonate with the answers it provides. 🌌✨

Assertive or Selfish? The Empath’s Guide to Setting Strong Boundaries

As an empath, you’ve probably found yourself in situations where setting boundaries feels like you’re walking a tightrope, trying to avoid tipping into the territory of selfishness. I remember a

Journey Through Time: How Past Life Regression Can Heal Your Present

Ever felt like you’ve been here before? Maybe you’ve met someone new and instantly clicked, or visited a place that felt eerily familiar. While science might chalk it up to … The post Journey T

The Greatest Love

Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me I found the greatest love of all Inside of me The greates

Empaths & Love Languages: Unlocking the Secrets to Deeper Connections

Ever wondered why some people just get you? Like, really, truly, on-a-soul-level understand you? If you're an empath, chances are, you've had these connections, and they usually revolve around unders

Focus on light within to unlock your full potential.

Embrace the light within you, for it is the beacon that reveals your boundless potential. Let your inner radiance illuminate the path to your greatest dreams and deepest truths. When you align with y

Trusting your psychic intuition.

For psychic learners a lot of us have in common. We are trying to open up into something that we have experience for the first time. Trusting your psychic intuition is part of a journey of awakening,

Become a Better Medium By Tuning Into LOVE!

October is here, and I’m eagerly anticipating the arrival of my dear friend from the UK, the warm, funny, and incredibly gifted, Lynn Probert.  Last time Lynn was in town we teamed up to host a 5-d

New tarot & automatic writing putting me to sleep

Lately when I’ve tried to do my usual automatic writing or even shuffle my new tarot deck, I’m overwhelmed by the positive energy and vibes and have to go to sleep. What could this mean? Could

Her guardian angel

1 photographic print on stereo card : stereograph. | Small angel above small child sleeping in crib.

Tuning In To Spirit Messages

Imagine you’re taking a beautiful hike through the woods, and you want to get closer to the native wildlife like deer, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. What would you do?  Would you crash through the

Constant Ringing in the Ears Meaning

How to explain the constant rigning in your ears when doing psychic energy. Constant Ringing in the Ears Meaning Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in lea

AseanCoverage - Next-Gen South East Asian News

Next-gen news site focusing exclusively on online news from South East Asia.

3 Things Cannot Be Long HIdden

Just as the sun and moon illuminate the sky, the truth lights up our soul. Embrace the journey of spiritual awakening—what is hidden will always find its way to the light. 🌞🌕✨

I need some help

Um I don't know if anyone can help me but I don't understand what's happening and how this is possible but. Um it's been a bit weird for me but really recently when I was meditating with a blind fol

Psychics and free will

As I'm discovering more and more about my abilities and the "supernatural" world, I'm left with a big question: how do psychic abilities work with free will? I get that we can create our own reality

Communicating with Beings: Clairvoyance vs Mediumship – What’s the Difference?

What's the difference between clairvoyance and mediumship when it comes to communicating with beings, entities and spirit guides? When it comes to dealing with beings, I get asked this question a lot

Meditation | Cornell Health

Meditation is the practice of training your mind to focus on one thing at a time, and to be fully present in the moment. People who meditate report learning to quiet the constant chatter of their mind

Advice on Meditation and Focusing on One Skill

Hey all! I've always been open more spiritually, and while I'm clairesentient and have dreams everything else is pretty non existent. I moved into a new apartment, and once everything was moved I cl

How Your Diet Could Be Draining Your Empath Energy

Empaths are like emotional sponges, absorbing the feelings, energies, and even moods of those around them. But did you know that what you eat can also have a massive impact … The post How Your Diet

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Lucid Dreams For Spiritual Growth: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Your Mind

Ever had a dream where you suddenly realize, “This isn’t real,” but instead of waking up, you decide to explore? That’s the essence of a lucid dream—a moment of awareness … The post Lucid

Buzzing Asia - What's Buzzing In Asia?

Buzzing Asia is where you can find out about Asia’s pop culture, latest fashion and entertainment news, and what’s amazing in the other part of the world.

Do You Have a Victim Mentality? Here’s How to Turn It Around!

My friend Susan always puts herself last. She’s a single mom with a demanding job who supports three kids and her elderly mother. She recently confided in me that she’d love to switch to a positio


HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES? Prepare and Set Intention:Create a quiet, sacred space, center yourself, and set a clear intention to connect with your spirit guide.Meditate and Visualize: En

Effect of belief in "psychic healing" on self-reported pain in chronic pain sufferers - PubMed

Results suggest that anecdotal reports of effective psychic healing and "faith healing" are attributable to the power of belief.

What do the numbers mean??? (333, 11:11, 777)

What do the numbers mean? (333, 11:11 , 777) What do the numbers mean??? (333, 11:11, 777) Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in learning more? Join the f

Empaths & Divorce: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

Divorce is never easy. Throw in being an empath, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for emotional turmoil that could rival any soap opera. If you’re an empath going through … The post Empaths &am

What's happens after awakening?

Awakening is realizing that your true self isn't defined by the stories your mind tells. 🧘‍♀️💫

The Evolution of Empathy: How Your Empath Abilities Deepen & Transform with Age

Empathy is like a fine wine; it only gets better with age. As empaths, we experience life through a unique lens, one that’s tinted with emotions, intuitions, and an innate … The post The Evolutio

Which Zodiac Sign Takes the Crown for Being the Most Stubborn?

When it comes to stubbornness, the zodiac signs are often at the forefront of the conversation. Whether you’re an astrology enthusiast or just someone who’s tired of dealing with a … The post W

Looking Back With a Grateful Heart

I believe gratitude is the key to happiness. No matter who you are or how difficult a time you might be having, acknowledging all the things you’re grateful for can shift your attitude in seconds. I

How to Distinguish Energy if You’re an Overwhelmed Empath

How to Distinguish Energy if You're an Overwhelmed Empath Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in

Stop Overthinking Your Psychic Gifts!

https://youtu.be/Bepx3mQp1j0 Hi Joe Gacoscos here, author of Journey of the Awakened Psychic. and I help people unlock their psychic potential. Now... There's this common belief that in order to acce

Growth comes from within

Growth comes from within. No one else can make you spiritual; your own soul is your greatest teacher. 🌱✨

How to Read Relationship

How To Read Relationship Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 5 Days Challenge here: https:

Finding an old friend but not quite the right ending

I’ve heard a lot of stories about people who saw their future partner in some way whether it is a photo in a magazine, a dream, or some sort of vision. Then years later they actually see or meet t


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