free psychic training psychic books

A feed about online psychic training with psychic books for free.

Energy Healing

Struggling to make sense of your gifts? Energy blocks might be holding you back. It's time to clear these obstacles so your gifts can flow naturally. Start your journey to clarity and empowerment tod

Coincidences / Phenomenon

Not sure if this is the right place. Anyone else have constant coincidences happen like predicting/ foreseeing the future? This has happened constantly throughout my life, While at school something

FeedSpot's Best Psychic Blogs

Expressing gratitude for the recognition as a top psychic blog! Thank you Feedspot for ranking me one of the best psychic websites on the internet.

Just realized my grandmother was like me

I posted recently about how I keep somehow being pulled towards something before it happens, or sense things before they happen, and likely also manifest things a lot. It happened again twice yester

Opening third eye

I have had some occurrences in my home since I started working on opening my third eye. I have moments of fear and discomfort and I'm wondering if I inadvertently am inviting something that doesn't

do i need to go back?

i just had my first reading yesterday. she was really accurate but not on everything. i would say 85% was on point. after the reading, she told me to not tell anyone what was being said during the s

My Cognitive Awareness Intensifies with LESS sleep.

I Am more sharp, aware, quick witted, more efficient, heightened sense of awareness; my 6th senses are in rare form, from social interactions, communication, physical activity, idk its like my mind/

Signs You Might Be a Starseed

Starseeds walk among us, but how can you tell if you are one? While the term may sound fantastical, many people who resonate with this concept report shared experiences that hint at their extraterres

The Starseed Awakening: A Journey of Self-Discovery

The Starseed awakening is a profound spiritual journey, often marked by a sudden realization of one’s cosmic origins. For many, this awakening is not just a single event but a gradual unfolding of

Can a psychic lie or make mistakes?

I have a girlfriend that went to a psychic and the psychic told her I cheated on her and have a very deep secret I'm keeping from her. She should also be careful because there's some bad intentions

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Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.

Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Are You From?

Starseeds come from various star systems, each carrying unique traits and missions that reflect their cosmic origin. Here, we explore some of the most common types of Starseeds and the characteristic

Spiritual Discovery

As a Starseed, your gifts are your purpose. It’s time to uncover what the universe has been trying to show you all along. Discover your true calling and align with the cosmos! Make a difference tod

Business Index A-Z

New York’s online business portal, Business Express helps guide you through your business and professional requirements.

BASIC HONESTY: The Dalai Lama’s guidance on surviving as a compassionate society

Today, I’m writing about our need to develop true relationships in our lives. Why is this necessary? The Dalai Lama has written that “Interdependence is a fundamental law of nature. Our own survi

Child Empath

Hi all, I believe I am an empath, although I tend to push this away and have from an early age to cope. I can feel and sense things, but I don’t believe in the supernatural or afterlife because I

Psychic Development

Do you feel ‘stuck’ in your psychic development? The common mistake many awakening Starseeds make is ignoring hidden energy blocks. Clear these blocks, and watch your gifts soar. Start your trans

How accurate psychics are?

I know there's free will and of course a psychic can be wrong sometimes as we are all human and situations change. But I wonder how accurate psychics are when many have told you the same thing. I do


At this point, I have had multiple readers confirm me as an apparently really strong claircognizant and clairsentient empath… the latest reader said that she could feel my energy and its intensity

Posting again with clarification since it keeps getting removed: Discouraging words, absurd message, and nausea

I have tried meditation, reading books on the subject, and asking spirit guides for help and I feel farther away than ever from anything related to psychic abilities or anything beyond myself. I eve

Psychic Gifts

You don’t have to be afraid of your psychic gifts anymore. Let’s clear the fear and step into your power together. 🦋 Embrace your true potential now! Unleash your potential by tapping into exc

3 FLAVOURS OF GRATITUDE: How to use them to improve your life

What’s your favorite kind of chocolate—milk, dark or white? Like chocolate, gratitude has three flavours: gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness. Each is unique in their profile and yet part of

Explore Deeper

Seeing 333, 777, or 11:11 everywhere? These might be signs that you're a Starseed awakening to your higher purpose. 🌟✨ Embrace your destiny and explore deeper! Be part of something special; disc

Manage Energy

Feeling overwhelmed by your psychic senses? You can manage your energy effectively and tune into your third eye without feeling overloaded. Take control and find balance today! Transform your experie

Open Your Channels

Your Third Eye is the gateway to psychic awakening. Are you ready to activate it? 🚀 Discover our step-by-step system and finally open your psychic channels. Make a difference today; connect with u

Unlock Your Gifts

Have you always felt different? You're not alone. Embrace your role as a Starseed and awaken!✨ Unlock your psychic gifts and connect to your cosmic origins today. Unleash your potential by tapping

What is a Starseed?

Starseeds are believed to be individuals who have originated from other star systems, planets, or galaxies before incarnating on Earth. These beings are said to carry higher frequencies of consciousn

Psychic Powers

Have you always felt different? You're not alone. Embrace your role as a Starseed and awaken!✨ Unlock your psychic gifts and connect to your cosmic origins today. #StarseedAwakening #UnlockYourGift

A BLESSING AND A CURSE: 3 prophetic dreams that changed the trajectory of a life

One of the earlier prophetic dreams I had was in 2008, and it changed the trajectory of my life. I was told and shown within a dream that I’d have a son, even though I was single, gay and on a tigh

Energy Mastery

Take control of the energies around you that you've always felt. Master your surroundings and harness the power on your terms. It’s time to act! #EnergyMastery #TakeControl #PersonalPower #LifeOnYo

BREAKING DOWN AND BREAKING OPEN: Choosing life over the shadows of death

My first two years in Ecuador are broken up by occasional trips to the United States, sometimes for work but mostly to visit friends and family. I’ve changed since my move, and those closest to me

THE COSMETIC BODY: Try this 4-step walking exercise to see your body in a new light

When we move in harmony with our true design, we experience comfort, but when we believe things about our bodies that aren’t true, we experience discomfort. Many false ideas and concepts about our

Under Construction

The website is upgrading to a new operating platform!

AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: Reflections on Trump, Harris and the DNC

According to Buddhism, the source of all suffering is ignorance: in other words, not knowing what we don’t know.  Often, our life experiences cause us to struggle with who we are in relation to ot

POEMS BY OLIVIA HAJIOFF: Limbo, Whole, The Spinning Man

Limbo Why do we love nature in its undecided state?The white-pink blossoms with eyes half-closed; shrivelled and blooming all at once.The sun drawing breath and bellowing over the land while the wind

TAROT MEDITATION AND JOURNALING: 10 steps to enhance your connection with your cards

In the bustling world of today, finding a moment of tranquillity can seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet when we dive into the mystical realms of Tarot cards, we find an oasis hidden

POEMS BY GEORGE PAYNE: The Nomad, Abstractions, Support Group and more

Minks The signs left behind remind methat you are here: the ripplesgenerating from underthe riverbank, webbed prints in the damp sand and wet snow, pilesof crayfish remains. But youwatch me the entir

WRITING AFTER AGE 50: Pen a memoir and leave a legacy

Writing can be a deeply rewarding hobby, offering a way to express yourself and connect with the world around you. Whether you’re journaling to explore your thoughts and emotions, crafting a memoir

Otter Spirit Coupon Code

Get an Otter Spirit Coupon Code for a 20% OFF discount on quality gemstone bracelets created with an aim to manifest your intentions and save the sea otters!

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I’ve just launched a 14 Day Free Trial of The Membership and no credit card information is required to start. Simply add your name, email and you’re in! 

The Spiritual Meaning of the July Buck Moon

The July Buck Moon’s spiritual meaning. Discover the symbolism behind this month’s full moon and the second Capricorn full moon in a row - 

Dragon Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Meanings of the Dragon

Discover the spiritual meaning of the dragon and learn what it means when dragons appear in your dreams, meditations or life -  

The Membership is now 35% less!

Previously, pricing was $70 for Monthly Plans & $700 for Annual Plans; now Membership subscriptions are just $45 for Monthly Plans & $450 for Annual Plans.

7 Spiritual Benefits of Decluttering

Decluttering brings positive energy and is good for the soul. Wondering what are the spiritual effects of decluttering? Learn more inside - 

How To Cope With Grief

Coping with grief? Discover 8 strategies to help you manage grief - 

The Spiritual Meaning of the June Strawberry Moon

The June Strawberry Moon’s spiritual meaning. Discover the meaning of the first full moon of summer and learn how to apply the moon’s energies to your life - 

Getting Overwhelmed with Too Much Energy and Information Coming to You At Once? | Joe Gacoscos - YouTube

Getting Overwhelmed with Too Much Energy and Information Coming to You At Once? | Joe Gacoscos Tags: YouTube psychic

Psychic Visions - How Do I Know If Am I Making It Up? | Joe Gacoscos - YouTube

Psychic Visions - How Do I Know If Am I Making It Up? | Joe Gacoscos Tags: YouTube psychic development

Dealing with Your Auric Field Stretching Into Other Room - YouTube

Dealing with Your Auric Field Stretching Into Other Room Tags: YouTube psychic development

What is Déjà vu (Deja vu)? Tags: YouTube psychic development training

Last Day to Sign Up Tags: YouTube psychic development training

Why I love to read + Fast action bonus reminder Tags: YouTube psychic development tra

Beyond Awakening to Healing with Your Gifts without Second Guessing Your Abilities! (LIVE Replay) Tags: YouTube psychic

Day 5: Beyond Awakening to Healing with Your Gifts without Second Guessing Your Abilities! Tags: YouTube psychic

Day 4: Overcoming Greatest Myth About Activating Your Psychic 3rd Eye Tags: YouTube psychic development

Day 3: How to Prevent Being "Invaded" By Foreign Energies Tags: YouTube psychic development

3 Keys Activating Your Psychic Third Eye

Where are you right now at the spectrum of Activating Your Psychic Third Eye? Many of you have seen auras, spirit guides, and hints and wondering where do these energies are coming from. Some of you

Communicating with Beings: Clairvoyance vs Mediumship – What’s the Difference?

What's the difference between clairvoyance and mediumship when it comes to communicating with beings, entities and spirit guides? When it comes to dealing with beings, I get asked this question a lot

Stop Overthinking Your Psychic Gifts! Hi Joe Gacoscos here, author of Journey of the Awakened Psychic. and I help people unlock their psychic potential. Now... There's this common belief that in order to acce

Trusting your psychic intuition.

For psychic learners a lot of us have in common. We are trying to open up into something that we have experience for the first time. Trusting your psychic intuition is part of a journey of awakening,

How To Read Health

How To Read Health Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 7 Days Challenge here: https://get.

How to Read Relationship

How To Read Relationship Check this sample video from the Elevate Your Psychic Gifts Program. “Interested in learning more? Join the free Awaken Your Psychic Gifts in 5 Days Challenge here: https:


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  • psychic training online free
  • psychic development courses
  • awakening the third eye
  • psychic development book
  • psychic books free
  • clairvoyant training
  • psychic courses online
  • how to develop psychic abilities
  • how to unlock your psychic powers

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