Boomer Women Mindset Tip #2

Beware of the unbidden thoughts that distract you and take you off course! It can be as simple as a song or jingle that is constantly playing in your head. This is the perfect time to tell yourself what to think.

A neurological disease stole Rep. Jennifer Wexton's voice. AI helped her get it back.

Wexton spoke on the House floor Wednesday using an "augmentative and alternative communication" program.

COVID is having a summer wave. Here's what it means for older people

What's with the uptick in COVID cases? There's a pattern that's been repeated each year since COVID started -- a late summer wave. Older people and those who are immuno-compromised should be careful.

Art is a comfort for these displaced Lebanese kids

Displaced by current airstrikes and past conflicts, children board a brightly painted bus to attend art classes that aim to make them feel like kids again — and give them a way to express their pain

California tries but fails to fix a major Medicare loophole for seniors

Seniors choosing Medicare Advantage plans for the first time often don't realize they might get locked out of traditional Medicare for good. But changing this problem must be done state by state.

Rogue ACA insurance agents could face criminal charges under a proposed law

Consumers, without their consent, are being enrolled in Affordable Care Act plans or their coverage is switched. A powerful U.S. senator has introduced legislation to curb the growing problem.

Tested: Running in Circles

Episode 4: In 2009, South African sprinter Caster Semenya won gold at the World Championships. But instead of a celebration, she endured endless speculation about her body, her biology, and her gender

Researchers have found a protein that seems to protect brain cells from Alzheimer's

A study of 48 post-mortem brains found a protein that appears to protect brain cells from Alzheimer's — even in people who had significant amounts of amyloid plaques in their brains.

New HIV preventive strategy sparks excitement -- and protests -- at AIDS conference

The final results of a trial for a new HIV preventive strategy are out today. Experts express enthusiasm. But activists at the 2024 AIDS conference in Munich are protesting the likely cost.

Torrid market for copycat weight loss drugs could be short-lived

Cheaper versions of Wegovy and Zepbound touted on social media could be fleeting. Copies are legal now because the brand-name drugs are in short supply. But the drugmakers are boosting production.

With the U.S. bird flu outbreak uncontained, scientists see growing risks

A recent crop of human cases at a chicken farm highlight the risks of the ongoing outbreak. Here's what scientists fear could happen next in the evolution of the virus.

Our Beliefs About Carbohydrates: How They Freak Us Out & Make Us Fat

Perhaps more than any other food group, carbohydrates can really freak people out. You might say, carbs are one of the world’s great nutritional “hang-ups.”  And a big reason for this is we’

How To (Skillfully) Love Food  – In Session with Marc David

Many of us struggle with emotional eating. And that’s because food is a reliable way to manage our unwanted emotions. Think: Bored. Stressed. Lonely. Angry. Anxious.  When we’re experiencing dif

Does Your Body Suffer From Absentee Parent Syndrome? – In Session with Marc David

For those of us who struggle with weight, are in a battle with food, or who have ongoing anxiety around eating, it’s no secret that these unwanted food and body challenges can have a myriad of poss

The Soul’s Call to Release Our Health Anxieties – In Session with Marc David

Ever hear the phrase “health is wealth?”  For many people, we don’t quite recognize how valuable our health is until we find illness or injury knocking. Enjoying robust health is truly the fou

Why You Gain Weight After Losing It & What To Do  – In Session with Marc David

A suprising fact about the weight loss universe is that despite so many built-in difficulties, plenty of people have success. So often, we do actually lose the weight, we hit our target number – or

Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm  – In Session with Marc David

When it comes to nutrition and health, there can be a lot to worry about:  If you find yourself having multiple worries around food, weight or health, you’re not alone. So many of us sincerely wan

Which Voice Should You Listen To: Change Your Body, or Embrace It? – In Session with Marc David

Chances are, you’ve had the experience of hearing conflicting voices in your head when it comes to food and body. One part of us can clearly say: “I absolutely must lose weight.” While another

Body Image Triggers: Where They Come From & How To Find Healing – In Session with Marc David

Picture this:  You’re trucking along your day – everything’s going pretty well, when BOOM: You see a picture of yourself, and you’re instantly triggered.  “Is that really what I look like

Emotional Eating & The Mother-Daughter Connection – In Session with Marc David

Managing emotions with food, otherwise known as emotional eating, is something that humans have been doing for millennia. And the reason is simple: when we eat, we reliably feel better – no matter

When Weight Loss Doesn’t Alleviate “Weight Worry” – In Session with Marc David

When it comes to body weight, most of us are focused on one thing: losing it! But many people aren’t prepared for what happens after weight loss.  Any thoughts we may have about post-weight loss l

MIndset Tip 2 - YouTube

Beware of the unbidden thoughts that distract you and take you off course! It can be as simple as a song or jingle that is constantly playing in your head. ...

Thanksgiving Contest!

Well world-changers…goodbye are the days of lounging poolside, getting your tan on, and indulging in cool treats (although, I suppose ice cream is good to have all year round!). The crisp air, leav

7 Days to Blissful Living 6

Take control of your thoughts and live the blissful life you desire and deserve.

7 Days To Blissful Living 5

Waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and not really knowing why? Perhaps it is because you've allowed your bliss to disappear. When was the last time you felt really blissful?

7 Days To Blissful Living 3

You live every day; you only die once! Live each moment in bliss because you choose it.

7 Days to Blissful Living2

Recapture the bliss of your youth! Now is the time to remember the joy you felt the first time you rode your bike, climbed a tree, learned a dance, sang a song, and everyone clapped. You were so exci

7 Days To Blissful Living

Have you ever noticed how blissful babies are? They are born blissful and use their time smiling, gurgling and laughing. Isn't it time you reclaim your birthright? Join the 7 Days To Blissful Livin

Make This Year Count — A Letter From Our Founder

To all those beginning a new school year, September has arrived.There is something quite exciting about waking up the day that you start a new grade or move to a new school. It’s a little nerve-wra

follow your own path

It doesn't matter your age or what you've done previously. Now is the time to release the path that does not support you. Today is the time to follow your own path. In this article, I talk about li

Inez Bracy Concentrate On Those Things You Enjoy

Increase your success rate by concentrating on the things you enjoy. You will notice that you get more completed. As you increase your success you will learn to delegate the things you don't enjoy.

Inez Bracy - Be Willing To See Your Truth

What is true for you? Know who you are, know you're living your purpose and set boundaries. Seeing and being your truth supports you in living authentically and purposefully. Come on over to http:

Empower Yourself Through “Self-Talk”

You know that little voice in your head that just loves to remind you of how embarrassing it was when you slipped up in class yesterday, or how much you can’t stand the colour of your bedroom walls

Be a Fearless Female

It’s a big world out there, and there are seemingly so many things to be afraid of. Being a girl can make facing your fears difficult, because we are told that our gender makes it okay to be scared

Lessons Learned from Female Inventors

Have you ever stopped for a moment to appreciate your surroundings and thought “hmm, I wonder who invented that?” Who created all of the things we use on a daily basis, but do not think twice abo

Supportive Surroundings Build Self-determination

“Just because you’ve never done something before, it doesn’t mean you can’t. It means you have the opportunity to learn something new, and prove just what you are capable of. ” I spent the


GIRL TALK Empowerment Day 2015 was our BIGGEST celebration yet!! Approximately 1,200 girls aged 11-18, along with group supervisors, filled the space to hear inspiring messages from a knockout lineup

So Close to Game Time!

Our team has been working so hard to bring together GIRL TALK Empowerment Day 2015, and we can’t believe how close we are to game time. It’s easy for us to get wrapped up in the execution of the

3 Ways to Get Involved at GIRL TALK 2015

With just over two weeks until GIRL TALK Empowerment Day 2015, we want to make sure you know exactly how you can participate on Wednesday, June 3. Attending With Your School Chapter As an attendee, g

Show Some Love for the Mamas!

This past Sunday gave us an excuse to send some extra love to our number one role models - our moms. Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to thank all the women who have cared for us, raised us,


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